The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
I remember how I felt when I first got this book; alone, upset, afraid. But when I opened the book, the first thing I felt was comfort. I felt a soothing gentle voice that would lead me all through the book. I have some dark memories that no one would want to hear, but I want to tell you that this book is amazing. It breaks your heart and puts it back together again. And sometimes that's exactly what you need. A book with words so touching that you never really know when you'll start to cry or when you'll start to laugh. This book is so powerful and it will never leave you once you read this book. And don't get me wrong; I'm not only saying this because I'm the same race (Chinese) as the ladies in this book, but because it will really mesmerize you. So come and hear this symphony of family, adolescence, obedience and rebelling, responsibility, appreciation, honestly, forgiveness, and of course, joy.
When you think of adolescence, you really think about growing up and getting to do what you want without someone constantly nagging on you. But even more of that, is learning to really be on your own and independent as you can be. I can tell you straight up that this is hard. I've always grown up with the pressure to do this and that without really making my own choices, but this will actually help you later on in life. You'll always know the right thing to do on your own without anyone telling you to. June, Rose, Waverly, and Lena all embark on this beautiful journey of learning to grow up. I know that growing up and really having no one to support you is hard, but it's a part of learning to be an adult. Parents are strict and I would definitely know that from my own, but later on you realize that everything they had told you to do was for your own good. Now that's definitely a part of adolescence. My parents made me take ballet, piano, and Chinese classes when I was younger. They wanted me to be talented and successful just like the parents of June, Rose, Waverly, and Lena. June's mother was obsessive when it came to June becoming famous from playing piano. Hey, she just wants June to be successful, right? Rose's parents didn't want her to succumb to American lifestyles and certainly just pressured her into it. Waverly's mother made her play chess and win every game whilst bragging to her friends. Lena, well Lena's mother had given her the best, but had scared Lena away from her and Chinese lifestyles. You can see here that those parents and mothers had only wanted their children to be the best when they're older. So maybe just act a little more mature if you have to; it'll pay off.
I bet you that every single person had done something they weren't supposed to. It could've been an accident, it could've been done on purpose. But learning to obey and listen when you have to is respectful and it's just a part of growing up. I always have to do chores or things that I really don't want to do, and it's my choice, but I do it anyway. Although, it's not like I've never rebelled or anything. I would throw tantrums, scream, yell insults that I know that have no meaning, and then cry because life was just so unfair. Sometimes you have do have to break through and really tell that person how you feel. Control is an easy thing to be taken advantage of and maybe you'll just have talk it out. June, Rose, Waverly, and Lena are... not the type of people to say sorry; just like much of the rest of our human population.They yell, they fight, they give the cold shoulder, and they can be grouchy if they want to. But what people have to understand is that you can't just think about your own feelings. If you wanted someone to obey you and they didn't, you can't just get mad, but actually try to feel how they're feeling.
Another branch of adolescence is responsibility. When thinking of responsibility, you have to think of others that would be affected, not just yourself. Just carrying on something like you're supposed to can make things better and day after day, you would get more responsible. No one can really just drop everything and leave. No matter how much everyone wants to do that, they can't. We all know that it's our responsibility to go on with life, even in the hardest of times. None of the girls are really that responsible, but you can always see that they're hesitating to do something. Like, when Rose was trapped in the thought of wanting to get divorced, but way too afraid to speak to her mother about it. When it comes to doing what you have to do, you really have to just get it over with; no matter how painful it is. I remember saying this once to a friend and sometimes I really think that telling people just how you feel is your responsibility. You can't rely on everyone to just know your thoughts; even if they can try to see things from your point of view. Just speak and I'm sure that someone will listen. Someone will always be there for you and that's hard to believe, but just believe it. because your responsibility is to just. live throughout life.
Going back to those ballet and piano classes, I still remember how much I dreaded those classes. Only older did I realize that my mom spent hard earned money just for me so I could have a shot at becoming successful. When I took those classes, I was still very young, and at that time my parents had never really taught me to care about others feelings. And so I didn't appreciate anything. It's hard to imagine a life without your parents there for you and some day they'll be gone. Forever. So really appreciate them; they house you, they feed you, they clothe you. June's mother was fanatical when it came to June playing the piano. She even promised to be the teacher's housekeeper for money so June could play the piano. I don't know about you, but I would appreciate my mother if she had done that.But June defies her mother's wishes for her own and after that, their relationship becomes loose although her mother bought her a piano to make her happy again. June realizes that she should cherish that piano since her mother did buy it for her. It comes to show you that just showing a little bit of appreciation can go a long way.
I had always been the different one of my family; always rebelling, always lying so I could get away from the truth... But why lie when you know that the truth is the easier path? I have asked myself that question so many times that I've actually up of an answer: Because the truth hurts. Just like Rose's hated divorce, just like June's forced love for piano, just like Waverly's forced love for chess. I can still remember every single lie I've told and I still remember how hurt my mother looked when she finally found out the truth. But the truth is, honesty doesn't hurt. Lying and hiding hurts you. Just looking back now, I can see that it took me a long time to finally get that. Just admitting that you were wrong is a long way, and it means that you're not afraid to tell the truth and not afraid to grow up. My lies were drastic and deep and it really cut my relationship with my family in half. Lying is just a way of shielding yourself from the rest of the world; it doesn't really help you. But, yeah, maybe sometimes lying is the easier choice since it won't get you in trouble and what not. Although, who in this world can really stand lying for the rest of their lives? Lying is for the weak, for the ones who are afraid, But I can tell you that June, Rose, Waverly, and Lena are not weak. And neither am I.
I had always forgave my friends when they hurt me. I just thought it was the way of life. I used to let my friends treat me like the piece of garbage that I never really was. I never really stopped to think: Why do they treat me like this? But over time, I realized that saying sorry is not enough. It's cheap and it could even be fake... But maybe just letting go of grudges can make things heal back. Just forgiving someone who's truly sorry can improve a relationship and make it stronger. Sometimes just accepting something for what it is is better. Of all the flaws June, Rose, Waverly, and Lena had made, they were still forgiven by their parents They were still accepted. So forgiving and forgetting is really important sometimes.
Joy. What a wonderful thing to have, although it's not always that easy to obtain.My mother had always bagged about me not being happy around her or anyone in our family. She said I never smiled or acted happy, and she was right. I was bad-tempered around her since she never really understood me; she was crabby all the time from having to take care of a baby daughter and having to work long, hard hours. I never realized how much someone's smile was worth and it hurt not only my mother, but my father too. I didn't like him for an apparent reason and so I never wanted to talk to him. I was rude to him even when he was at his nicest mood. I always wanted to punch him in the face. But this book taught me that one's family is a very important and fragile thing. I saw June's happiness even when she felt uncomfortable and I saw Waverly's easiness when it came to chess and how her mother bragged and gossiped everyday about her, but Waverly still acted like she was in a comfortable position. Lena, the one who's mother was slightly crazy, acted happy around her mother no matter how much she knew that her mother would never really ask her about her feelings. And Rose. She faked that smile on her face along; throughout nights with her husband, throughout uncomfortable conversations with her mother. Every girl showed happiness even in their darkest times. So, really, a smile can mean a thousand words.
This book taught me to enjoy life and to smile when I had to. This book really taught me how to love even when I didn't feel like it. This book was the only thing I could turn to when I had no one to talk to. Know that someday everything will fall in place. No matter how doubtful you are sometimes, you'll always have someone to lean on. So don't lose faith, hope, or joy.
This is a Walk To Remember
That I'll die living just as free as my hair.
I Gotta Feelin'
I Gotta Feelin'
Can't catch me now.
Can't catch me now.
About Me

- Anne Li 809
- Brooklyn, New York, United States
- Aloha~Je t'aime~Love~ Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. Beautiful. Life status: Drum roll... and wait. I'M A UNIVERSAL RECIPIENT, BABY. Melted cheese cubes are my thing. Itchy...itchy... I don't want to sound like a nerd, but I love sonnets, poetry, AND reading! Give me a good book and I'll finish it in a day. Reading makes the world go round! Hey, I could be Shakespeare number two one day. I also like posting up blogs! Yeah, yeah, I have no life. And yet I do like another thing. Chorus and rehearsals, yeah! I hate rock music though. End of story. I also don't know anything about Jedi and/or his warriors in Star Wars? So...wanna press rewind? This is my blog. Later, gators, I'll be doing the crocodile rock!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Weekly Blog Post: Peace, Love, And Baby Ducks
Peace, Love, And Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle
You know that amazing feeling you get inside you of when you realize you can totally relate to your book? Well, this feeling has never left me once when I was reading this gorgeous book. This book tells you that you're not the center of the world; so don't try to be it. I can't tell you how many times I have met someone like this, but what I can tell you is that the more attention you beg for, the less attention you receive. So again, this book is really important and it will be important to you if you read it. But this book also tells a fascinating and eye-catching story of adolescence, family and friends, being different, and (why, of course) love.
Now, let's discuss more one attention. Attention is not a fragile thing and it can be easily placed. But sometimes it is placed in the wrong hands. Carly, the main character doesn't want attention, but by that, she actually gets it. Now Trista, is supposedly the evil girl who ruins everything. Pair her up with Lydia and Peyton (Carly's friends) and you would get one those mega popular cliques that lets everyone know that they're superior, inferior, and will not be knocked down. The thing is that you can see that those kind of girls are practically crying for attention. Not attractive. But sometimes it's not that person's fault; maybe they just get attention without even noticing it. Anna is Carly's younger sister with a ton of spunk and a body that every single girl wants. But it's not Anna's fault that every boy whistles when she passes by. Carly actually blames Anna for having such ''nice'' features and it really makes me wonder: What if someone close insulted me like that? The problem wouldn't be in my hands anymore; it would be on everyone's hands. Anna can't seem to control it and neither can the whole female population. Now, that might seem a bit conceited, but it won't seem that way if you really knew that person (and for this case, the person is Anna).
But handling attention is part of your responsibility and it's also part of growing up and going through adolescence. Carly's the type of sister who's super protective of her younger siblings. Now this can be positive if Anna was the type to be easily caught up in drugs, but Anna's way above that. Carly seems to want Anna to always stay her little sister, not younger sister. My parents are like that and sometimes it goes a little overboard. Your children or siblings will grow up and they will all grow up no matter how much you want them to stop. Truth is, there's no stopping someone from growing up. Carly seems to learn that along the book and she basically accepts the fact that everyone will grow up. She was actually not learning to grow up herself and it made her seem too careful. I've always been the type to make sure I copied the homework write or maybe just write two more paragraphs in case. But Carly seems as if she's ignorant to the rest of the world. She wants to do everything her way and she can't see that everyone else has feelings too. This again is Carly learning to grow up and learning to understand people even if you don't like them. Carly actually made up these ''rules'' that nobody could break; does this seem a little immature to you? Because it seems that Carly doesn't want anyone to think differently from her. I know how she feels, but this is wrong; it really is. My mother actually puts me through this suffrage and now I can really see that Carly's friends and little sister is really hurting.
Accepting other people is just learning how to make friendships and how to build relationships with your family. Rejecting everyone's feelings and opinions is not a good way to live; trust me. I used to think that everyone else was a wrong and I was right no matter what. I can tell you that it does feel good because it makes you feel higher than everyone else, but what about the feelings of the people you hurt? Anna seems like the one that takes the most blows from Carly. But Anna doesn't stand up for herself and tell Carly about her flaws. Friends and family talk it out, no matter how hard it is. You don't just silently sulk about your friends without just telling them what's wrong. Friends are like jewels; you either have it or you don't. Making everyone else seem unsuitable will just make you friends and family more distant from you. So maybe just trying listening then go ahead and talk. But maybe sometimes you are right, but just remember nobody's perfect and you'll always make mistakes in your life. You'll always have your friends and family for that and they'll always guide you through those mistakes.
Accepting everyone, including the ones you can't relate to is hard, but being different is no shame. Let's just say that Carly completely lives by that rule of always being different and always not seeming to be like everyone else. When you think about it, it's sort of tiring to always be the unique one. This is where Carly is at. She makes everyone think she's different, but she's really not. I don't try to be different; I just try to be me. I know a lot of people who think they're different and what not, but they just seem like everyone else. This again brings us to the attention problem. Carly doesn't want attention, but she gets it anyway and yet she still eggs Anna on getting attention. That isn't fair no matter which way you look at it. So maybe just being yourself is the better road; not trying to be as wacky as you could be.
But some people love you no matter what kind of person you are. I can say my friends are like this and I hope they'll always be like this. Carly's been through so much and she changes from this to that, but her best friend, Roger, is always there for her. He's not Carly's type, but you can see that Carly's just blinded by the fact that she has a crush on hot guy that will never like her. I hate people like that (although I might be one of them) that can't even see that what they've always wished for has been there right on their nose this whole time. But hey, love comes from many different ways; you'll never know. The fact that Carly is not only ignorant to other people's feelings, but also ignorant to believing that somebody else could like her is simply revolting. Carly seems to miss out on a lot of things that are way more important than her thoughts and she doesn't seem to get that. I know most people like thinking about things their way, but seeing something from a whole entire new view can be great too. So maybe just create a little ore space for the people you love; they deserve it.
This book let me see a whole new world that I've never dared to step out into. It gave me not a only an entertaining read, but a lesson on life as well. And it can relate to me. So maybe just pick up this book just to share the peace, love, and maybe even baby ducks. Just don't stop thinking about the people you love!
You know that amazing feeling you get inside you of when you realize you can totally relate to your book? Well, this feeling has never left me once when I was reading this gorgeous book. This book tells you that you're not the center of the world; so don't try to be it. I can't tell you how many times I have met someone like this, but what I can tell you is that the more attention you beg for, the less attention you receive. So again, this book is really important and it will be important to you if you read it. But this book also tells a fascinating and eye-catching story of adolescence, family and friends, being different, and (why, of course) love.
Now, let's discuss more one attention. Attention is not a fragile thing and it can be easily placed. But sometimes it is placed in the wrong hands. Carly, the main character doesn't want attention, but by that, she actually gets it. Now Trista, is supposedly the evil girl who ruins everything. Pair her up with Lydia and Peyton (Carly's friends) and you would get one those mega popular cliques that lets everyone know that they're superior, inferior, and will not be knocked down. The thing is that you can see that those kind of girls are practically crying for attention. Not attractive. But sometimes it's not that person's fault; maybe they just get attention without even noticing it. Anna is Carly's younger sister with a ton of spunk and a body that every single girl wants. But it's not Anna's fault that every boy whistles when she passes by. Carly actually blames Anna for having such ''nice'' features and it really makes me wonder: What if someone close insulted me like that? The problem wouldn't be in my hands anymore; it would be on everyone's hands. Anna can't seem to control it and neither can the whole female population. Now, that might seem a bit conceited, but it won't seem that way if you really knew that person (and for this case, the person is Anna).
But handling attention is part of your responsibility and it's also part of growing up and going through adolescence. Carly's the type of sister who's super protective of her younger siblings. Now this can be positive if Anna was the type to be easily caught up in drugs, but Anna's way above that. Carly seems to want Anna to always stay her little sister, not younger sister. My parents are like that and sometimes it goes a little overboard. Your children or siblings will grow up and they will all grow up no matter how much you want them to stop. Truth is, there's no stopping someone from growing up. Carly seems to learn that along the book and she basically accepts the fact that everyone will grow up. She was actually not learning to grow up herself and it made her seem too careful. I've always been the type to make sure I copied the homework write or maybe just write two more paragraphs in case. But Carly seems as if she's ignorant to the rest of the world. She wants to do everything her way and she can't see that everyone else has feelings too. This again is Carly learning to grow up and learning to understand people even if you don't like them. Carly actually made up these ''rules'' that nobody could break; does this seem a little immature to you? Because it seems that Carly doesn't want anyone to think differently from her. I know how she feels, but this is wrong; it really is. My mother actually puts me through this suffrage and now I can really see that Carly's friends and little sister is really hurting.
Accepting other people is just learning how to make friendships and how to build relationships with your family. Rejecting everyone's feelings and opinions is not a good way to live; trust me. I used to think that everyone else was a wrong and I was right no matter what. I can tell you that it does feel good because it makes you feel higher than everyone else, but what about the feelings of the people you hurt? Anna seems like the one that takes the most blows from Carly. But Anna doesn't stand up for herself and tell Carly about her flaws. Friends and family talk it out, no matter how hard it is. You don't just silently sulk about your friends without just telling them what's wrong. Friends are like jewels; you either have it or you don't. Making everyone else seem unsuitable will just make you friends and family more distant from you. So maybe just trying listening then go ahead and talk. But maybe sometimes you are right, but just remember nobody's perfect and you'll always make mistakes in your life. You'll always have your friends and family for that and they'll always guide you through those mistakes.
Accepting everyone, including the ones you can't relate to is hard, but being different is no shame. Let's just say that Carly completely lives by that rule of always being different and always not seeming to be like everyone else. When you think about it, it's sort of tiring to always be the unique one. This is where Carly is at. She makes everyone think she's different, but she's really not. I don't try to be different; I just try to be me. I know a lot of people who think they're different and what not, but they just seem like everyone else. This again brings us to the attention problem. Carly doesn't want attention, but she gets it anyway and yet she still eggs Anna on getting attention. That isn't fair no matter which way you look at it. So maybe just being yourself is the better road; not trying to be as wacky as you could be.
But some people love you no matter what kind of person you are. I can say my friends are like this and I hope they'll always be like this. Carly's been through so much and she changes from this to that, but her best friend, Roger, is always there for her. He's not Carly's type, but you can see that Carly's just blinded by the fact that she has a crush on hot guy that will never like her. I hate people like that (although I might be one of them) that can't even see that what they've always wished for has been there right on their nose this whole time. But hey, love comes from many different ways; you'll never know. The fact that Carly is not only ignorant to other people's feelings, but also ignorant to believing that somebody else could like her is simply revolting. Carly seems to miss out on a lot of things that are way more important than her thoughts and she doesn't seem to get that. I know most people like thinking about things their way, but seeing something from a whole entire new view can be great too. So maybe just create a little ore space for the people you love; they deserve it.
This book let me see a whole new world that I've never dared to step out into. It gave me not a only an entertaining read, but a lesson on life as well. And it can relate to me. So maybe just pick up this book just to share the peace, love, and maybe even baby ducks. Just don't stop thinking about the people you love!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Weekly Blog Post: The Fashion Disaster That Changed My Life
The Fashion Disaster That Changed My Life by Lauren Myracle
Have you ever felt left out or out of place? Well, I can tell you I have and it is not a good feeling. This book reaches inside your heart and tells you that sometimes it's okay to be the person that's different. I love this book so much because it's relating and it might be a bit of a cliche, but it teaches you a lesson that everyone is perfect just the way they are. This book taught me the beautiful themes of uniqueness, friendship, and real friendship, insecurity, stereotypes, trust, love, and forgiving and forgetting.
Alli, the main character, is the girl who's never been popular until the first day of seventh grade, when her mother's underwear is stuck to her pants. It sounds strange, but that's really what makes Alli so different from the others. I like to think of the "others" as people who think of themselves as normal and perfect. The truth is that everyone's crazy and unique in their own way; you just need to find a way to express it. I used to be a shy, shy girl until I realized that who are is who you are and nothing can change that. So what if I don't have gorgeous, designer clothes? So what if I don't put on make-up every single day? Sometimes being yourself is really the key to everything else since you know, being yourself is a part of believing in yourself. Alli shows so much insecurity that you would think that one insult could smash her down like a house of cards, but you can see that Alli is a real girl. The kind of girl that won't fake her feelings towards someone else and the kind of girl that won't act like a jerk just because she can. Alli portrays a girl that has flaws just like the rest of us and she makes me see that there's no point in trying to hide yourself; have no shame in yourself.
Having friends is such a big deal to everyone and that's why so much so-called friends have such a remote relationship. Alli doesn't know everyone and she doesn't try to know everyone because well, not everyone will be her friend. But Alli does adapt a relationship to the popular girls: Rachel, Mika, and Hadley. When you think of it, being the friends of the popular people is such a great way to get yourself popular. But having a lot of these friends that you can't even share a secret with is frightening and that is why I only want one close relationship, not an innumerable amount of relationships.
Friendship of course, relates to trust. When you can't trust someone, you probably won't be able to communicate with them in a close way. Learning to trust is part of learning to build relationships and it's just as important as the relationship itself. Alli doesn't even trust her popular friends and that reveals her true feelings about them; she is only friends with them because they're cool and practically famous. Trusting is part of bonding and Alli doesn't seem to realize that. She doesn't exactly take Rachel or Mika for granted, but she can't relate to them. She doesn't have anything to do with them. Would you really want friends like that? Sure, they're the favorites of the school, but a a real friendship is more of a connection with someone. I hate those fake friendships where you don't really even like your friend, but you pretend anyway. It's irritating to know that your friend could flake out on you anytime she wants to. But that's a part of trusting; you either have it or you don't.
When there are fake friendships, there are real friendships. I've been in dozens of those fake and pretend friendships that I have a hard time trusting anyone. But Alli treats her friends like diamonds and it's all best friends forever until Alli develops a friendship with Rachel, Mika, and Hadley. From then on Alli starts to ignore her best friends Kathy and Megan. Alli turns away from them and it's heart-breaking to see such a beautiful friendship close up in such a harsh way. But Kathy and Megan still end up being there for Alli and that proves how much they love Alli. They actually like her for who she is and they're not afraid to point out her wrongs. That's a the main point in a real friendship; telling each other what's wrong. I've never been that kind of friend and I regret it because that's what real friends do. Accepting each other is part of being friends and it doesn't matter how different they are; just as long as they get along and fight along the way. Why fight in such a real relationship? Because that's what makes it real. Real friends have fights, disagreements, arguments, and maybe even physical fights too. But apologizing and admitting you're wrong is part of a friendship.
Kathy, Megan, and Alli forgive each other's mistakes and it makes me think of my friend and I. We constantly lash out at each other, constantly irritate each other, but these fights make me think of how if we didn't have them, we wouldn't ever know what was wrong. Nothing really matters until the moment you realize you're doing something wrong. But thinking about fights forever won't help; that's why you forgive and forget. Some people see fights as things you'll never forget and while that's actually true, fights should be forgotten. They happen so next time, it won't happen again. Forget about it and try healing back your friendship; dragging on all the fights you've been through will just arouse your feelings of despise for your friend.
But I do realize that Kathy is an insulter. She always insults Alli, calling her a wannabe and a chubby girl. I know that maybe Kathy is just trying to point out Alli's flaws, but her insults for her are over the top and really rude. Kathy seems a little insecure to me and although most of the time it's not that big of a deal, sometimes it is and it can be. Kathy appears to be pointing out Alli's problem when she calls her a wannabe, but she just sounds like she's a mean girl when she calls Alli chubby. This is not the idea of love and friendship; this is just being lowbred to your own friend. Kathy also stereotypes the whole school. That's annoying since there's a clique for that and a clique for this. She doesn't go against it; she seems like she supports it. The idea that revolves around Alli trying to be popular because she's hanging out with popular people is very stereotypical. Maybe Alli just wants more friends. Kathy sounds so jealous of Alli and she evens grab a hold of a bunch of new friends. Sometimes being plain friend is good enough; there's simply no need to try to spice things up. I never ever try to start fights because they always end up being so nasty just like Kathy was acting towards Alli. Fights can be brutal even if they are just trying to tell you you're doing something wrong.
This book dragged me out of me deepest problems and made me think on a different perspective: How would the other person feel? The story of Alli is a story of friendship and everything that revolves around it. Friends won't be here forever so cherish them while they're here; they deserve it.
Have you ever felt left out or out of place? Well, I can tell you I have and it is not a good feeling. This book reaches inside your heart and tells you that sometimes it's okay to be the person that's different. I love this book so much because it's relating and it might be a bit of a cliche, but it teaches you a lesson that everyone is perfect just the way they are. This book taught me the beautiful themes of uniqueness, friendship, and real friendship, insecurity, stereotypes, trust, love, and forgiving and forgetting.
Alli, the main character, is the girl who's never been popular until the first day of seventh grade, when her mother's underwear is stuck to her pants. It sounds strange, but that's really what makes Alli so different from the others. I like to think of the "others" as people who think of themselves as normal and perfect. The truth is that everyone's crazy and unique in their own way; you just need to find a way to express it. I used to be a shy, shy girl until I realized that who are is who you are and nothing can change that. So what if I don't have gorgeous, designer clothes? So what if I don't put on make-up every single day? Sometimes being yourself is really the key to everything else since you know, being yourself is a part of believing in yourself. Alli shows so much insecurity that you would think that one insult could smash her down like a house of cards, but you can see that Alli is a real girl. The kind of girl that won't fake her feelings towards someone else and the kind of girl that won't act like a jerk just because she can. Alli portrays a girl that has flaws just like the rest of us and she makes me see that there's no point in trying to hide yourself; have no shame in yourself.
Having friends is such a big deal to everyone and that's why so much so-called friends have such a remote relationship. Alli doesn't know everyone and she doesn't try to know everyone because well, not everyone will be her friend. But Alli does adapt a relationship to the popular girls: Rachel, Mika, and Hadley. When you think of it, being the friends of the popular people is such a great way to get yourself popular. But having a lot of these friends that you can't even share a secret with is frightening and that is why I only want one close relationship, not an innumerable amount of relationships.
Friendship of course, relates to trust. When you can't trust someone, you probably won't be able to communicate with them in a close way. Learning to trust is part of learning to build relationships and it's just as important as the relationship itself. Alli doesn't even trust her popular friends and that reveals her true feelings about them; she is only friends with them because they're cool and practically famous. Trusting is part of bonding and Alli doesn't seem to realize that. She doesn't exactly take Rachel or Mika for granted, but she can't relate to them. She doesn't have anything to do with them. Would you really want friends like that? Sure, they're the favorites of the school, but a a real friendship is more of a connection with someone. I hate those fake friendships where you don't really even like your friend, but you pretend anyway. It's irritating to know that your friend could flake out on you anytime she wants to. But that's a part of trusting; you either have it or you don't.
When there are fake friendships, there are real friendships. I've been in dozens of those fake and pretend friendships that I have a hard time trusting anyone. But Alli treats her friends like diamonds and it's all best friends forever until Alli develops a friendship with Rachel, Mika, and Hadley. From then on Alli starts to ignore her best friends Kathy and Megan. Alli turns away from them and it's heart-breaking to see such a beautiful friendship close up in such a harsh way. But Kathy and Megan still end up being there for Alli and that proves how much they love Alli. They actually like her for who she is and they're not afraid to point out her wrongs. That's a the main point in a real friendship; telling each other what's wrong. I've never been that kind of friend and I regret it because that's what real friends do. Accepting each other is part of being friends and it doesn't matter how different they are; just as long as they get along and fight along the way. Why fight in such a real relationship? Because that's what makes it real. Real friends have fights, disagreements, arguments, and maybe even physical fights too. But apologizing and admitting you're wrong is part of a friendship.
Kathy, Megan, and Alli forgive each other's mistakes and it makes me think of my friend and I. We constantly lash out at each other, constantly irritate each other, but these fights make me think of how if we didn't have them, we wouldn't ever know what was wrong. Nothing really matters until the moment you realize you're doing something wrong. But thinking about fights forever won't help; that's why you forgive and forget. Some people see fights as things you'll never forget and while that's actually true, fights should be forgotten. They happen so next time, it won't happen again. Forget about it and try healing back your friendship; dragging on all the fights you've been through will just arouse your feelings of despise for your friend.
But I do realize that Kathy is an insulter. She always insults Alli, calling her a wannabe and a chubby girl. I know that maybe Kathy is just trying to point out Alli's flaws, but her insults for her are over the top and really rude. Kathy seems a little insecure to me and although most of the time it's not that big of a deal, sometimes it is and it can be. Kathy appears to be pointing out Alli's problem when she calls her a wannabe, but she just sounds like she's a mean girl when she calls Alli chubby. This is not the idea of love and friendship; this is just being lowbred to your own friend. Kathy also stereotypes the whole school. That's annoying since there's a clique for that and a clique for this. She doesn't go against it; she seems like she supports it. The idea that revolves around Alli trying to be popular because she's hanging out with popular people is very stereotypical. Maybe Alli just wants more friends. Kathy sounds so jealous of Alli and she evens grab a hold of a bunch of new friends. Sometimes being plain friend is good enough; there's simply no need to try to spice things up. I never ever try to start fights because they always end up being so nasty just like Kathy was acting towards Alli. Fights can be brutal even if they are just trying to tell you you're doing something wrong.
This book dragged me out of me deepest problems and made me think on a different perspective: How would the other person feel? The story of Alli is a story of friendship and everything that revolves around it. Friends won't be here forever so cherish them while they're here; they deserve it.
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